Friday, January 4, 2008

Iowa Caucus Results Are In

Senator Obama and Arkansas Governer Huckabee have won the Democratic and Republican primaries in Iowa.

This is exciting on a number of levels. A white state has voted for a black man. Two newcomers have been chosen over more dynastic contenders.
If the results from the Iowan caucus portend anything for the future, it's that Americans truly are ready for change.

It's the first primary of the year, and a lot could happen between now and the final nominations, yet I thought it was a good omen.

The Illinois primary is on the 8th; are you voting?


Philosoraptor said...

Independent voters are SCREWED.

Anonymous said...

We were filling out overseas voter forms the other day and noticed that you had to declare a party to vote in the primaries. No fun.

lilgeoffy said...

Feb 5th I thought, early voting starts on monday.