Saturday, September 6, 2008

What about Georgia?

So here is another political quesiton: what are we doing in Georgia? (country, not state.)


Nate said...

Simple. We're contradicting our policy in Kosovo. Our new policy is this: if you're a minority ethnic group and you want to break off from the mother country then you can, as long as we like you more than the folks you want independence from. But if you're friendly with people we don't like, then you can't.

Seriously, Georgia is a major contradiction in our recent foreign policy. It's ok to recognize and defend Kosovo, but Ossettians and Abkhazians can't leave Georgia? Spare me.

There's more at stake with Georga; an oil pipeline namely. Georgia just so happens to be Russia's backyard. I think we overextended our reach.

mamagoose said...

It always comes down to oil.

Philosoraptor said...

Either way, I doubt Russia will be impeded in the least by the United States. The White House needs implicit Russian cooperation to control Iranian influence in Iraq and thus will give Moscow a big "shame you" but do nothing.