Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Time to Reboot: New Year!

... a very good description, I thought, of beginning a new year.
Recently the Wall Street Journal posed the following three questions to a variety of well-known persons:
1. What professional project do you hope to accomplish this year?
2. What personal resolutions do you plan to keep?
3. What problems can you tackle more effectively?
The replies tell us that Mitt Romney plans to stop sleeping fully dressed in a suit, that Wolfgang Puck needs to spend more time with his family, and that Martha Stewart still can't give a straight answer...

What about you all? what do you hope to do or not do this year? Give it some thought.


Philosoraptor said...

Cheers, 2008! Welcome, 2009!

I hope all of you had almost as good a year as I did.

mamagoose said...

You might be unique in having had a good year but despite the overall difficulty of 2008 there were some good things:
*a great and wonderful vegetable garden
*NOT going to Madison to sell doll clothes (I missed the extra $$ but not the hundreds of hours sewing)
*time to get to know Caedmon on his own turf
*finishing my Ed. M degree!! clear and paid for.

Anonymous said...

2008 was pretty nice. I got to see Luxembourg, Belgium (at least a mile or so of it), Italy, France (Paris), Garmisch, Munich, and a lot of other smaller places. I got to see the xmas markets this year and stock up on my Germany souvenirs. I got a job, almost finished my certificate. Not too bad.

As for next year, I've got a lot of "to do's." I'm going to try NOT to mourn Germany and go through reverse-culture shock, and I'm going to try to get out and make new friends, find a new job, maybe get a house, etc etc. 2009 will be full of change for us.