Monday, July 28, 2008

Sweet Sixteen, Smokie Lynx

Yes indeed, the cat is sixteen years old today, fit and spry. So how many cat years is that?

If only I could look as good at her age!

A can of tuna is in order.


The Anthropophagus said...

1 human year = 7 cat years so 16 human years x 7 = 112 cat years. A ripe old age indeed. I remember when she was a really spunky little kitten that loved watching the bathroom faucet drip, and she has always loved popcorn. A very special kitty.

Philosoraptor said...

why the blazes isn't she dead yet

Anonymous said...

I got curious and looked up cat age on yahoo and found this:

"The first six months of a cat's life equals 13 years. The second six months equals 8 years. Therefore the first year equals 21 human years. The second cat year equals 10 human years. Each subsequent year equals 3 human years."

Regardless 16yrs is impressive for a family cat. Hope she enjoys her tuna.

mamagoose said...

So I am doing the math and it comes out to.... 73?

Pretty good. We think hate keeps her young. She hates just about everything and everyone.