Friday, May 8, 2009

Junior High Math Sub: alias Mom

Yes, it should have made the headlines. After a 28-year hiatus Mom spent the afternoon subbing in the Rock Falls grade school and enjoyed it very much, thank you. (Believe it or not, most of the students did too.)


1. Watching Cars and Radio (DVDs) did not suit me as the default substitute plan for the day. Teacher's gone, we watch movies! Nothing against those particular movies, but sheesh. Like a good sub I arrived with bag of Other Things To Do...

2. Expectations ain't what they used to be. These 6th & 7th graders were (mostly) unable to perform basic sequential math operations such as, Take a Number, Add 18, then multiply by 20 and subtract 333...

3. Junior high boys really stink at the end of the day.

Cheers. And send those cool math tricks my way!

1 comment:

The Anthropophagus said...

teaching math, and to the junior-high set, Good Lord... aren't kids supposed to learn those math operations by third grade at the latest? least they have you to correct that most unfortunate situation...lucky kiddies=)