Friday, February 8, 2008

just an update

I haven't been on the blog in a while so I thought I'd just gab a bit about what's been going on here lately.

Nate's been drowning in school work pretty much since we got back from Illinois. I guess he was even before then, but you get the point. He's not liking the Pashtu course much. I don't think he likes his teacher at all, or the language, or their entire culture.

Caedmon has been equally busy but having much more fun. It feels like we are having more and more tantrums, but I suppose that's all part of being a little boy. He currently has an obsession with "birdies." It started with just pointing them out and saying "tweet tweet" when we were going for walks, then chasing pigeons, then this afternoon I took him down the park in Wiesbaden to see the ducks. I think he juts likes that they come so close to him. I'm going to have to make another trip up to the animal park this weekend.

In the meantime I've started my first course in the direction of a Web Publishing Certificate. It seems easy so far, so I went ahead and registered for another starting in March. Caedmon and I went to Frankfurt yesterday with a friend of mine. I generally don't like to go to the major metroplitan areas of Germany, but it was more fun than I thought it would be. I've also gotten a couple chances to escape for dinner and trips to the pool baby-free (motsly because a friend of mine was moving away and we had several "last goodbyes"). Other than that its mostly just been your every day mom-duties for me.

And I guess that leaves Lola. She tolerates Caedmon the best she can and has started putting her weight back on.

And with that I have to go, Caedmon is trying to climb chairs and that has not gone well for him this afternoon....

1 comment:

mamagoose said...

How you can stay one step ahead of little Mr. Climb it, AND take online courses is beyond me. Good going! what would you like to do with a certificate in Web Publishing? it certainly sounds right up your alley.