Sunday, February 10, 2008

Surviving February

1. Ignore the thermometer. Yes, I know it is four degrees below zero. And yes, I am aware that there are six inches of snow on the ground. And yes, I also realize that there is no hope of any improvement in the near future. Just don't look. And don't tell.

2. Celebrate birthdays early and often. Becca, yours is up next! hip, hip hooray. Just wait 'til you see what is coming your way. OOOh lah lah. And somebody, sometime is turning.... dare we say it? Nifty, nifty, look who's FIFTY!!!!! How much cake can we eat in one week?

3. Do something unexpected. A certain person who shall remain nameless threw the usual restraint and obedience to schedule out the window in between snow storms and took prime morning time on a school day with a school-aged teen to go shopping. No, we don't mean groceries, we mean the clearance racks at Bergner's. And YES, it was educational. How many eighth-graders can accurately calculate the sale price of an item marked down 70% off the lowest marked price?

4. Find something to laugh at. A cartoon, a funny book, a movie. There's a good reason to watch Groundhog Day once a year. Find a joke and post it on the blog for all to enjoy!

I love you all.... you are worth surviving February for!


Philosoraptor said...
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Philosoraptor said...

Let's have a joke about heaven!

Heaven is where the police are British, The cooks are Italian,
The mechanics are German,
The lovers are French and
It's all organized by the Swiss.

Fun, huh? Well, how about HELL?!

Where the police are German,
The cooks are British,
The Mechanics are French,
The lovers are Swiss and
It's all organized by the Italians.

Happy February!

Anonymous said...

seriously, mum, try a sun-lamp...

mamagoose said...

Ah, lights, yes, but isn't it more fun to go shopping? and who has time to sit under lights?

Anonymous said...

I tried a tanning bed for the first time while back in Illnois over Christmas. It felt nice but I had streak-mark sun burns from the bulbs. Probably won't do that again. I would recommend going some place warmer as an alternative to surviving Febraury. It's gotten colder here recently, but last week was 55 and sunny. :-) Oh, and regarding Tim's post, I've heard and rather enjoy that joke, but it loses a bit of its meaning once you see German Polizei on Segway Scooters (seen it downtown, for your amusement you can see it here: And on that note I too wish you all a happy February. :-p