Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Back in Thornton, CO

I discovered that not having anything to do can get pretty boring, so I went and got my job back at The Home Depot yesterday, so that'll keep me busy until I figure out what I'm doing with school.

Here's a few pictures from the Star Wars exhibit in Chicago. I forgot my actual camera, so my camera phone will have to do.


mamagoose said...

I can't believe you can take photos like that with a phone! call me too old for all this. I am glad you got to see the Star Wars exhibit. I will never forget the day we saw episode 1 in Rockford.

Philosoraptor said...

Yeah, and then I wasn't allowed to see it for MONTHS because Darth Maul was *allegedly* too scary. hmph. *bitterness abounds*

Just kidding, mum.

mamagoose said...

Ah, Tim, the things you have to get over. Childhood scars, what. You seem to have done all right.

BradtheDad said...

You were so tender back then, Timothy.

BradtheDad said...

You were so you back then, Timothy.

The Anthropophagus said...

that white snow monster scared the bejesus out of me when I saw it for the first time. I was pretty terrified of Episode 2; people getting attacked by hairy scary white things, getting swallowed by galactic cave monsters, frozen in carbonite. I think I can deal with the scars :-P