Saturday, October 6, 2007

it runs in the family

It has been a somewhat eventful weekend in our household. We decided that for our anniversary present we would get a new laptop, this way I could still access a computer (a hub for many of my interests/obsessions from photography to knitting) and Nate could work on his school assignments and whatnot. So yesterday I went out and found us a nice little cheap-but-efficient Compaq. Today, Nate had a glass sitting next to our old Gateway notebook and sure enough Caedmon took the liberty of knocking over right onto the computer. After 5 very stressful hours of letting it air out in front of a fan we are glad to report that it is still operational and Nate was able to recover his nearly completed 15page paper on the Civil War. Still, I couldn't help but remember an earlier post regarding a cellphone/being hard on technology and think that maybe it runs in the family. :-p


mamagoose said...

I'm glad the computer story has a happy ending. I'm sure that if we had had computers way back when, we would have gone through several. Maybe it does run in the family!

The Anthropophagus said...

My cellphone didn't have such a happy ending. Though I learned later that sometimes function can be restored after a bout in the freezer. Will keep that in mind the next time I drop a cell phone in the toilet (and yes, it will happen again).

Anonymous said...

hm, never heard about it going in the freezer. Back in CA a visiting friend got hers wet while looking for shells. Sensative things.

Philosoraptor said...

Note to self: don't use the cellphone whilst using the toilet.

BradtheDad said...

Did Nate argue in his Civil War paper that the South had the right to secede?? That was a source of debate between me and him.

Anonymous said...

Actually he has come to harbor a great bitterness against South'll have to ask him for more details.

BradtheDad said...

Now THAT is surprising. That's a 180-degree turn for him!