Saturday, November 3, 2007

Happy Birthday to Abby! She turned 14 today, and she went with Mom to Rockford to do some shopping for her birthday, a new watch, some new clothes, and calligraphy supplies with money from Grandma. We're at home this evening watching "The Man Who Knew Too Little" with Bill Murray. Zach made her the most delicious homemade chocolate cake with raspberry filling, so rich that one piece was enough for even Dad! We used the timer on Dad's camera so we could all be in the picture (I was asked to remove other photo -- will post another later. Sorry.).


Philosoraptor said...

There's someone missing in the picture...

Oh yeah! It's me. Mwuahahahahah

mamagoose said...

HEY! if you were in your room instead of on a computer somewhere Dad could have reached you! he tried to call, AGAIN. I thought the library was closed?

Philosoraptor said...

Yeah, but I had to write my paper. :(

Call me tomorrow at....7PM.

BradtheDad said...

You're convincing me I need to upgrade our cell phone plan, TJ, so you have a cell phone where you can be reached anytime (unless you don't want to be!).

Philosoraptor said...

Hey, I'm just never ever in my room. I try to be there Saturday evening but I was swamped by Achilleus.

Call at 8PM Central time. (7PM Mountain, I think) I should be there. My paper is almos done.

Anonymous said...

Zum geburtstag viel gluck!