Thursday, November 15, 2007

Nate, ride, snow

I've talked to Nate a little since going to WLC. He's only one day into the actual course but he says it sucks, it's cold, and it's snowing all the time. He took his PT test this morning and passed. All in all it's not as bad as it has been, he has certain times he's allowed to use his cell phone. Caedmon adjusted pretty well, though he had a little breakdown this evening where all he wanted was "DADDDEEEEEEE!"

On that subject I was wondering if Caedmon and I might be able to grab a ride to Chicago to pick Nate up when he comes in. I don't know what my car situation will be at the time, though I'm sure I could arrange a ride for him fairly easily. I just thought I probably wouldn't be the only one who would like to go meet him at the airport.

I should be going, things to do now that little one is down. I'm hoping to have more YouTube action by tomorrow evening, to include the "BEEF!" video--very amusing, trust me--and Caedmon watching the snow (yes, we had snow yesterday, though it's gone already). ;-)


BradtheDad said...

Of course! I'm sure we can work something out to pick you up. I'll definitely want to be at the airport to greet Nate!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you! I'm pretty sure everything is just about set on our end. We--Caedmon, Lola, and I--will be in late Monday night, and I don't really have any idea what sort of a schedule we'll be looking at. I'd like to make it up to see everyone at least once before Nate arrives. I will probably call sometime after we get back to see what would work for everyone. I just know I would really like to be there when Nate gets in at the airport. :-) Off to finish cleaning/packing.