Tuesday, November 6, 2007

new dates

Just wanted to let everyone know what our current plans are. Nate leaves for WLC Monday (the 12th) I'm going to fly out with Caedmon on the 19th of November. Due to being home for so long, Lola gets the misfortune of coming with us. Nate's class/training/thingy ends December 14. He will still fly out on December 18th. Then we all come home together on the 1st of January and, due to the time change, get back to Germany on the 2nd. Whew. It feels about as crazy as it sounds. But on the bright side everyone should be able to see Caedmon a bit more and a bit earlier. Off to go take a friend to the airport...


mamagoose said...

Becca, does this mean you are traveling with a dog AND a baby???

Philosoraptor said...

Tight. Will I get to meet Lola!?

Anonymous said...

Yes to both of the above questions--I think. Caedmon will have his own seat, Lola will have the unfortunate pleasure of riding below in a pressurized compartment. Nate would like to bring her over to "meet the family" at some point.