Tuesday, September 11, 2007

11 September - Six Year Anniversery.

It's been six years since New York was attacked by militant Islam in the beginnings of what now seems likely to be a widespreading war. Six years since the Trade Center was destroyed, D.C. threatened, and United Flight 93 stopped a third attack.

A heckuva lot has changed since then. The United States is at war, and will be for decades regardless of who steps into the Oval Office in 2008. The world now realizes the chaos and danger that militant Islam presents (Or orthodox Islam, depending on your interpretation of the Qur'an)

One thing is very certain; the world will not be the same again. Even though in the six years that have elapsed, not another attack has taken place. The conflict in Iraq will spread to Iran and the war will continue, with or without America's input.

Let us remember the victims caught up in a struggle dating back thousands of years, all the way back to the 700s. The people in the Trade Center could not possibly understand the rivalries that have existed between Europe and the Islamic world since far before the Crusades.

Pray for the familes hurt by this attack and the conflicts that have followed.
And pray for peace.


mamagoose said...

Thanks, Tim. This event among other things accounts for why your brother is in Iraq.

Abby said...

wow, six years already!
thanks tim, that was a good thought.