Saturday, September 29, 2007


I thought I'd share a few more pictures. It's starting to get cold here (highs in the 50's lows in the 40's). Caedmon is not only walking but also climbing. His favorite hobbies at present include climbing on the futon and crawling through the coffee table. Oh, and trying to call Lola. He likes to yell for her, and usually he's ignored, which just makes him yell louder. Anyway, here are some of our fall pictures. Enjoy. (p.s. I hate blogger's photo attachment, it messes with the formatting.)


Philosoraptor said...

Germany looks gorgeous.

Are you guys coming to the States for Christmas?

Anonymous said...

Don't know yet. It depends on the Army. If not, sometime soon after probably.

mamagoose said...

Becca, you and Caedmon both look beautiful. I can't tell you how badly I want to get my arms around that baby!