Monday, September 17, 2007

Iraqi vets

So there's this rather amateurish troupe up on the north side called the Annoyance theatre, and I was there for a performance on Friday, and tomorrow they have a lineup about Iraqi vets opposed to the war, with vets reading about their experiences and perspectives and different troupes performing on the same theme.
Alas, I can't go as I have a cell biology lab exactly at that time (how university conflicts with one's social life! Ridiculous.), but I've been thinking about it a lot lately, especially as we have our own Iraqi vet coming home very soon. Get your arse back to the States, please, Geoff. We've missed you!

On a different note, been reading Sex, Economy, Freedom and Community by Wendell Berry. I am consistently impressed with this man's clear vision and articulation of social problems and their possible solutions. More on this later; it's a quarter to two in the morning. Peace out!

1 comment:

mamagoose said...

I'm sorry you missed that performance. I was talking with Nate just yesterday about the transition time for returning vets and how much of a challenge it may be to readjust to civilian life, after missing out on a year and a half. More on this when our vet returns!